Welcome to the A.E.Wright Leadership Page!
Here is where you'll find information on activities at A.E Wright.
Check back often to know what is happening around campus! Make sure to get involved with ALL activities! Go Spartans!
What is Leadership?
Leadership is the student government program at A.E.Wright Middle School. The primary purpose of the program is to develop confident and positive student leaders. Students also learn about teamwork, goal setting, decision making, and time management. In addition, students in the leadership program have a very important responsibility as they represent their peers. The Leadership class is also responsible for organizing and coordinating many activities. Some of these activities include: assemblies, spirit days, fundraisers, socials, Back to School Night, Mock Rock, and dances. In other words, leadership students have a huge impact on our school!

Gingerbread House Contest
Create a gingerbread house at home and bring to the leadership room on Monday, December 16 to participate. Click here for more information.
December 16-20 will be our winter spirit week, with our Spirit rally on Friday, December 20! Make sure to participate each day for a chance to win prizes!
More information coming soon!

Friday, December 13 join us from8:15am-8:40am for our annual hot chocolate bar! Free for ASB members, $5 for non-ASB CASH only. Ghirardelli hot chocolate, candy canes, marshamallows, and whipped cream!